Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sweet Mornings

It's funny how the little things in life become the sweetest. Mornings have never been a favorite part of my day and God, in his sovereignty, had me marry a man who loves to wake up early. When we were first married I deemed him crazy for relishing in early mornings. I mean, he even sets his alarm on the weekend. (It's a sign of a sick mind) But over the years I have come to love, value, and appreciate that Jonathan wakes much before Eliza and I, takes the monitor (bless him), and starts his day sitting before the Lord.

This means that our morning routine consists of me waking up to two amazing people looking over me like "mom, get up" (one of them normally has drool and a frenzied "feed me" look while smiling). After nursing, I stumble downstairs and hand Eliza to Jonathan while I feel my way to the coffee pot. One morning I had enough clarity of mind to realize how sweet our morning routine has become and I snapped a couple pics.

Here are some pics of Eliza with her daddy first thing in the morning.

One of her favorite chew toys is the strings on Jonathan's sweatshirt.
Eliza is fascinated by Jonathan's coffee cup.
Cuddle Bug

Thank you Lord for my family and little moments.


  1. loooove all of this!! Such sweet moments, I love your little family! These are such sweet pictures and memories you'll love to look back on later too :)

  2. So cute...babies in pjs are the cutest!

  3. Thank you Christina and Aunt Pammy! I love you both and so wish we could be in the same place for Thanksgiving!
