Wednesday, April 25, 2012

12 months

Well Eliza is officially no longer a baby. I'm not sure when this transition happened but all of a sudden my daughter is a grand explorer, a constant babbler, and a sheer delight in showing off her personality. Here are some things she's loved this past month...

We love the "outside" and are constantly banging on the windows. Eliza also knows the doggies are outside (not ours) so she goes to the window and barks. :) 

Toys have become a lot more interactive and we love taking things out of boxes/bins. (haven't quite gotten to the putting them in stage...) 

Bath time is still a constant joy although splashing has risen to a whole new level and we're trying to get her to not stand up and topple out of the tub. :) 

Chicken Nugget LOVES books and will often just sit there opening one book after another. 

A new obsession- this walker/bike from her Mimi. Although I'm pretty sure she's supposed to first use it for walking she prefers her dadda to push her. Look at the joy on that face. Poor Jonathan's knees. For some reason she associates this toy with Jonathan so when she sees him she crawls over to it, pats it and looks at Jonathan. She's definitely learning how to communicate what she wants. 

Playing is hard work.  When we're tired the fingers go in the mouth.