Thursday, November 24, 2011

Eliza's First Thanksgiving

I love the holidays and was so excited for Eliza's first Thanksgiving. This year we celebrated Thanksgiving with my family in Cary and although we're "grown ups" there's something sweet about really being home for the holidays and that includes spending the night :)).

Here's some snapshots of our Thanksgiving as a family...

I mean, where else do you get to wake up to such cool toys than at Grandma's house.

Eliza loves her Grandpa!

One of the many things I love about being at my parents' house is the vat of coffee in the morning. :)

I had to capture a snapshot of how the simple things in life have changed now that we have b bear.

We all went on a family walk to make room for the meal. Eliza was so exhausted from watching all of us workout that she fell asleep in the stroller.

My favorite shot! Thanksgiving bath with the raw turkey in the background. Classic.

Sweet Eliza loves bath time!

the girls (minus mom) and no, we did not plan on matching

The newlyweds first Thanksgiving. :)

And here it is! Eliza's "thanksgiving meal". Which consisted of some gourmet baby food jar with turkey in it that my parents bought her. She didn't even know the difference but we certainly dressed her up and put a festive bib on. :)

Jonathan partaking in the food... or not

Potentially one of my favorite Thanksgiving treats- a pumpkin roll

sweet baby girl

Our first Thanksgiving as a family :) (it's a very serious matter for Eliza as you can tell)

plum worn out from a day full of fun

A sweet day of family, fellowship, and food was had by all. To burn some calories the girls all got up and went black friday shopping together for a meaningful bonding experience. :) I love my family and I love the holidays!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Cannot wait until Great Grandma and Grandpa are here with Luke, Steph, Aunts and Uncles, ...
