Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Let the Merriment Begin...

We kicked off our Christmas festivities on Dec 18th this year by traveling to Spartanburg, SC for the annual Thrailkill Christmas party. This is Jonathan's mom's side of the family and it is a yearly tradition where all of Susan's siblings, their kids and their grandkids are invited. I'm pretty sure the kids out number the adults 3 to 1 and this was Eliza's first year going. Needless to say Eliza was thoroughly overwhelmed, fussy, and even scrunched her nose and frowned at the entire room at one point. Great first impression. We had a great time though and it was really sweet to be around so much family at one time.

Eliza loves her Mimi and Aunt Julianne!

My handsome hubby.

Metting Jacob for the first time (I promise she has shoes but they never seem to stay on)

A glimpse at the present opening. Oh my.

Eliza content to chill with the adults

Honestly, what Eliza loved the most this Christmas was BOWS. They are amazing and a new love of hers. ;) Here's a cute glimpse...

"Oh boy Dad, what is this?" (notice she still has a death grip on a bow)

Every year there's a Birthday Cake for Jesus and the kids sing "Happy Birthday" to celebrate Jesus' birth. I loved that the candles were blown out half way through the song and re-lit so it would be "fair" of who blew them out. Here's a glimpse...

Learning new tricks with Mimi.

And let the vacation eating begin.... ugh

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