Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dubbelman Christmas

After Christmas at the Summit was over we went to my parent's house briefly before heading down to SC for the week. The treat of all treats about time with my family was that Luke and Steph flew in from Taiwan on Christmas Eve and so all 4 kids and their significant others were able to spend Christmas together. This hasn't happened in years. I love my family and it was an incredible blessing and joy to spend time as an entire family; even if briefly.
Here's a glimpse of our Dubbelman Christmas celebration...

Merry Christmas Grandma!
Sweet baby girl at 9 months- this is what she did most of the morning, sat, watched people, and put anything she could in to her mouth. :)
Aunt Ruth showing her a new book while Eliza is concerned about what noise Uncle Luke is making.
This was Sam and McCall's first married Christmas! yah

I love my Mom and Dad!
Eliza LOVES her dadda. (ps- I wish I had a really cute pic of Jonathan and I from Christmas morning but alas I don't. Note for next year.)
Even though Eliza got some cool new toys she liked Aunt Ruth's watch best of all (that was not for her).
Mom and Dad has said "no gifts" for each other but Dad surprised Mom anyways. ;) Go Dad.
sweet mom

And the boys did not... but we made them take a picture anyways.
I love having people love on Eliza. She is so blessed by so many amazing relatives.

All in all it was an absolutely amazing morning with family. Now off to Greenwood, SC... will post on our whirlwind week soon.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE these pictures...we are in love with your family!! So with we lived closer so we could've stopped by for coffee on Christmas afternoon...BUT we get to see you guys at the end of THIS MONTH!! So excited!! :)
