Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rice Cereal

I'm quickly realizing that parenting is one grand adventure after another. Just when Jonathan and I think we have one area mastered Eliza decides to grow older and venture into uncharted territories.

Her latest conquest is rice cereal. I was admittedly nervous to give her cereal because, let's be honest, for the past 5 1/2 months I have been Eliza's sole source of nutrients. Although nursing was literally a pain at first, I have now come to love and cherish it. (I know, pass the granola) Not to mention that it seems like just last month we were bringing her home from the hospital. How can she be big enough to eat food? But alas, she is so ladies and gentlemen may I present Eliza, the rice cereal eater!

First time in her high chair (yes, she spent half the time staring at the pattern)
American Consumerism telling me I "need" all this stuff to feed my child. Somehow having it didn't make me feel more prepared.
"Dad, it's ok, I'm a big girl now"
First bite! (yes, we documented this whole thing; we're first time parents :))
"hmmm... I think I'd prefer to eat my fingers and bib"
"So it comes from here? Let me see"
Day 2: an official pro
Hilariously, Eliza uses the back of her hand after every spoonful to "help" get the food in.
So happy after a great breakfast! We love you Eliza!!!


  1. I *love* the words behind the pictures...and of course I love the pictures!! It's amazing how quickly she's growing up...she's more beautiful every day! And I loved the video you sent through e-mail...she's just so stinkin cute!

  2. She is so cute! I'm glad you're using the bib too :)

  3. Cannot get enough of that little girl. :) You are such an awesome woman of God, wife AND mother!!!!!!!!

  4. Love this!!! So thrilled she is doing so well! What a cutie!
