Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Friendship Conundrum

It's time for a confession. I have become slightly addicted to watching the TV show Friends. I started in my third trimester with season 6 (I think?) where Rachel is pregnant and loved watching her pregnancy drama. After the the baby was born (oh yes, mine and Rachel's), and the season over, we decided to start at the first season and work our way through. We'd never watched the show before and now on season three, I'm taking a step back and wondering what in the world has me so engrossed in this series. Sure, I love the personalities and friendly banter and it is an enjoyable 20 minutes diversion from a long day but there has to be a deeper pull.

My friend, Jenn, sent me a great article by Mark Driscoll that strangely enough had me contemplating the TV show Friends. Check it out:

After reading his blog it dawned on me that what I love and relish in the most about the TV show is the friendships. The characters sit and just chat for hours over coffee about the littlest things. They know each other deeply and walk intimately through life's joys and trials together. I'm so glad God has given me a couple girls who I too can authentically live life with and Driscoll's article serves to remind me how I should cherish and invest in these friendships.

Before I rejoice to much in an earthly friendship I must first realize and sit in the reality that Jesus is where my soul is ultimately to be known, loved, and satisfied. He is my closest friend and who I should long to talk to, spend time, and walk through life with. Outside of God though, I am made for companionship. Driscoll's article has given me a renewed passion for community.

I know there's much that can be discussed and debated about this subject but I just wanted to open the can of worms. If your interest is peaked (as mine is), some books I've read on the subject of community that I highly recommend are:

Life Together by: Dietrich Bonhoeffer

No Compromise by: Melody Green

May God grant me the ability to be and have quality friendships that hold weight in light of eternity.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Friends! My roommate and I used to watch it ALL the time when I was in college. Some Saturdays we would work our way through 2 disks. When you finish all of the seasons, we'll have to play some Friends Scene It together! I hope you and that sweet baby are doing well!
