Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Seeing as I started this blog and then have done nothing with it I figured the easiest way to start up would be to post pictures. Easy turned out to be a relative term because it apparently takes forever to download pictures to blogger.

Last week Jonathan was invited to preach at a church's worship and arts retreat for their youth in Virginia. Eliza and I went as well and we had an amazing week as a family! I was in awe watching God use Jonathan to dynamically share the word of God with teenagers. What an honor. While we were in Virginia we took a day trip into DC, saw some of my family, and just enjoyed being away from home and ministering as a family for a week. It was our first trip out of town with Eliza and she did great. We let her drive (see below).

This is Eliza and Jonathan in her first hotel room ever (I know, I know, not the biggest milestone in life but still...) Note the jail like crib beside them.

I knew there would be a pool and was excited to use it for the week. Upon arriving we discovered the pool was inhabited by the swamp thing.

I'm often amazed at how little Eliza is compared to the grown up world.

I love the below pic because it captures her new personality. Now that she's learning to sleep and eat like a champ she's a very chill baby. Although she looks almost bored in this picture. "Mom, what are you doing?"

We took a trip into DC for the day as a family and had a blast! Jonathan had never been so we were official tourists (I even put my camera around my neck. oh yes). It actually was really neat to see our nation's capital. Maybe I'm maturing after all these years.

Jonathan and I quickly came to the conclusion that Eliza is the easiest to travel with that she'll ever be. We pretty much just put her in the stroller and slung her around for the day and she did great! Here is she on the metro.

And here is her face on the metro.... can we say she's just a little excited?

Learning to get around the city with a stroller was definitely different. Wheel chair accesses and elevators were our friends.

Our first stop in DC was the Smithsonian Natural History Museum. Originally going to a museum was my gift of love for Jonathan because he loves museums and I could care less about them but this museum was amazing and we had a lot of fun!

My favorite exhibit was the photography one. The pictures were stunning and I found myself inspired.

This was the Hope Diamond in the Harry Winston exhibit. Yah, I could rock that.

Under the sea (cue Little Mermaid song).

Who knows if Eliza took in anything but she sure stared at some neat things (yes, that is Jonathan showing her skulls. Way to go Dad)

Jonathan loved dinosaurs when he was little so this was his favorite exhibit.

The Washington Monument (plus some awesome construction).

Eliza was so excited about being surrounded by such history that she blew out of her diaper. We changed her on a picnic table near the monuments and felt like quite the hard core set of parents afterwards.

I couldn't help feeling patriotic while there.

This my friends is the epitome of American tourism. You could rent these rolling things (I have no idea what they're called) and ride around the city on them. Only in America...

We ended our day in the city with a trip to Georgetown. This was actually a favorite of mine because the town was so cute and quaint. We ate at a pub called The Tombs that had amazing food.

Saturday we went to my cousin Kim's house for a cook out and a bunch of my mom's relatives got to meet Eliza for the first time. It's a good thing she doesn't mind being passed around because she certainly was held.

Well, that's the end of my picture tour. I wish I had gotten a picture of Jonathan preaching because he was amazing. I have a new found respect for my husband and can't believe I get to spend the rest of my life with him. Eliza and I were his groupies all week and the camp kids were cute loving on her as well. I discovered that she's a good conversation starter with strangers.

I have no clever way to end this post so ta ta.


  1. Sarah these pics are awesome!!! You are a pretty good photographer and that nice camera definately helps, I think my favorite pic may have been of Eliza in the car seat, that made me laugh a good bit! Seems like it was an awesome trip, that baby is gonna be like an archeologist or something crazy when she grows up...getting exposed to all that so young.

    Love you guys and think you have a beautiful family! Excited to be with you all in a few weeks, I better get a blog post out of your trip to calli!


  2. We went to DC this spring and were so surprised by what a great traveler Cole was. Babies must love their nation's capital instinctively. :)
