Sunday, March 18, 2012

11 months

Ok so technically, although Eliza turns one on Tuesday, she is still 11 months... *gulp" "12 months" just seems so big and scary and... OLD. How is she already almost 12 months!? ahhhh. Anyways, I digress... Here are some pictures from the past month. Eliza is very into exploring her environment. When I'm holding her she often wants down so she can crawl around. She's pulling up now but is not walking. She loves music, books, and doggies.

Precious little Eliza with a favorite toy of hers.

Her favorite doggy in the entire world is Lilly, her Mimi's yorky. I love this picture because they look alike. :)

Typical activity. On a mission to crawl to anywhere.

A new love of hers is the outside. Any time the door is open for a second she beelines for the door like she's finally found her chance for freedom.

We love wagon rides! (um side note- this was taken on I'm pretty sure the only cold day in March)

One of her favorite things to do is pull books off her shelf and then sit and flip the pages.

This is often how I find them reading books. So sweet.

We love our Eliza and seriously cannot believe she's almost one. I think I'm actually just going to believe she's eight months? ;)

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